Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Blatantly Stolen Photos

Turns out that I am not a great photographer when it comes to "capturing the moment" (I get distracted by funny signs, colors, shiny objects, and forget the big picture) Luckily another girl in our group, Hayley, is a great photographer, so I stole her pics off facebook and posted a few here: (This first one is actually mine) This is the sunrise over the Indian Ocean, for which we woke up at 4:30am A Dog on the beach decided it was my friend...despite my calm explanation to it that I did not like canines. The awesome person next to me is Mark with the worst farmer's tan ever; to be fair he actually did work on a farm in Ireland this summer. No explanation needed This is "the gang" back in Maputo; we are being watched over by the intersection of commies again. I did, in my opinion, capture the big picture through a short video Not gonna lie, wish I was in Tofo rather than classes at UB right now.....

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