Speaking of the sun, it is bright, hot, and omnipresent here. Today, however, I discovered that the pool near my dorm is free and really cold. I went there with friends and then got stared at for sunbathing in a bikini. Believe it or not it was not the bikini that did it, not surprisingly (altho it had never occured to me) people do not sunbathe in southern africa as there is no point. Unfortunately the pool did not allow pizza and margueritas to be delivered to the premises so I eventually did leave.
In other news, I had a professor tell the class that half of us failed the test, and the other half that did not fail only got 50% because she felt bad for us. I just sat there and stared, thinking that I never thought I would so desperately want a curve in a class. Turns out I did not fail but I did get a lesson about American grade inflation.
As promised, here are a few more zimbabwe pictures.
First here is a shot of the decorative stonework in the great enclosure. The chevron pattern represents fertility.

Here is a shot of the tower inside the great enclosure that Europeans tore apart, convinced that there was gold inside, only to discover that it was a solid tower meant to represent male fertility (very freudian society)
Here is the group inside the holy worship chamber. I don't know what we were laughing at but I am sure it was inane.

Here is another inexplicable HIV/Safety campaign that we encountered at the border. I don't know how you get AIDs driving but it doesn't sound safe

This is me sitting on the floor of the bus, where I remained for 8 hours. Yes, I am wearing plastic pineapples on my ears. I bought them from a man on the bus for 75cents (best purchase ever)

Alright, I have to go finish an essay critically analyzing Bots' parliamentary system, which is awkward, by the way, when one is a foreign student writing to a native teacher. Until later, sala sentle!
Okay... so the first time you wrote "sandwhich" I thought, "Ah, a clever title!" The second time you wrote sandwich, "sandwhich" I grew concerned.
ReplyDeleteI also LOVE the drive safely poster. Driving is when you are most likely to be exposed. Accidents can work on two levels there too... :)