After a 12 hour-ish busride (with seats this time!) we arrived in Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe (where the border agents are significantly less scary and suspicious). When we arrived at the hostel, a van was leaving and someone popped their head out the window and yelled "Sarah!" I jumped about a mile and turned around to discover my friend Chelsey from Gonzaga who was coincidentally sharing a room at the hostel with us. Smallest world ever! (She has been studying in Capetown, which I vaguely knew but nearly had a heart attack hearing my name yelled out in Zimbabwe)
In any case Victoria Falls ROCKED!!! And once again I have to gush about Zimbabwe. As pictures speak a thousand words and I can only upload 5 at a time, I will post stories from my weekend in three, 5,000 word segments. Here is number one (which is number three chronologically)
Vic Falls itself; one of those natural wonders one keeps hearing about

Coolest thing ever, before you can even see the falls you are getting wet from the spray (very humid, by the way) bottom line: Wonderful times had by all
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