Sunday, September 20, 2009

An international incident no longer waiting to happen

So in case you were planning a trip to Botswana I am sorry but I am not sure that Americans are still welcome here thanks to a stunt pulled by my "friends." (Like I said after that birthday cake, I am getting new friends, even in Botswana). Four of my friends decided to go to a circus that was in town this afternoon but I, unfortunately, could not attend, for reasons that will be clear in the next paragraph. Apparently the jump-roping poodle stole the show and when it was finished my friends decided that they needed to take back a souvenir along with memories of a circus with (I suspect) unregulated animal rights. They all bought plastic clown masks, donned them, and decided to scare me in my room by all silently waiting at the door with them on. Naturally I was not in my room, but unfortunately my Motswana roommate was and reacted as would any human being greeted by 4 clownmask-clad, silent, foreigners- poorly.

In other news, while I do love my parasitology class I have discovered a definite drawback to taking the subject whilst in Africa. My intestinal tract feels mildly like death right now and, thanks to my many and informative lectures, all I can think about is that tomato (that I probably should not have bought from the street-vendor at the bus station) while visions of giardia dance through my head. In my defence, my friends were all buying ice cream and that tomato looked really good. In any case, there is bad news brewing in sarah's stomach, I just hope it isn't a one-celled trophozoite. (never worry, my prose/complaining far exceeds my relatively minor discomfort. I will probably survive and until the colony in my stomachstarts developing a personality I am not too worried. Plus, I have a delightful concoction of antibiotics in a bottle in my closet with my name on it- literally)

So tomorrow we are going on an embassy tour in order to obtain the necessary visas for our vacation next week. I am curious to see if a) anyone's hostility matches the US embassy (doubtful) or b) the love of bureaucracy in other African nations is as strong as Botswana's (terrifying thought).....details to come, assuming I don't piss off an embassy guard and have to get acquainted with the bureaucracy of the Gaborone prison system- I'll try to avoid that. I'll keep y'all posted; until then, go with the great blowdryer in the sky (the new deity I am starting to believe in after 3 weeks of gaborone summer and winds straight from the Kalahari desert)

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