Sunday, December 6, 2009
On that note
Sorry, two baby birds ended their lives with broken necks IN MY LAP while I was sitting in the Gaborone airport. I then got on the plane, headed to Europe where i had a fabulous few days in london (I am now on my way to paris) and this is the first access to internet I've had. Sorry to those who were left wondering if the apocalypse was nigh. I have to go catch a 5am train now. Cheers!
Thursday, December 3, 2009
The end is near (as in today)
I am sitting in the Gaborone airport about to get on a plane to Johannesburg and then London. I know it sounds trite but I cannot believe how fast the semester has gone. I only have a moment before boarding so I will list a few things I will miss:
1) Sunshine and warm- I am tan for the first time in a decade and it is kinda amazing
2) Women who you meet giving you a hug and holding your hand while they talk to you
3) Incredibly attractive foreigners who want to talk to you because you are also far fromm home
4) Batsi, aka the Zimbabwean Jesus, who can fix ANYTHING
5) Being regularly proposed to and being offered up to 60 cows for my hand (my ego is going to take a hit in the states)
6) Being able to take off for Zimbabwe for the weekend
7) Sneaking into the school pool at midnight for an illicit swim
8) The cleaning ladies....those characters
9) The yelling professor; what a teddy bear (PS he would have an aneurism reading this)
10) Other Americans, and their ridiculous experiences shared over cheap, legal alcohol. (Oh yeah, and OH MY GOD A DEAD BABY BIRD JUST HIT ME.......AHHHHHH I HAVE TO GO
1) Sunshine and warm- I am tan for the first time in a decade and it is kinda amazing
2) Women who you meet giving you a hug and holding your hand while they talk to you
3) Incredibly attractive foreigners who want to talk to you because you are also far fromm home
4) Batsi, aka the Zimbabwean Jesus, who can fix ANYTHING
5) Being regularly proposed to and being offered up to 60 cows for my hand (my ego is going to take a hit in the states)
6) Being able to take off for Zimbabwe for the weekend
7) Sneaking into the school pool at midnight for an illicit swim
8) The cleaning ladies....those characters
9) The yelling professor; what a teddy bear (PS he would have an aneurism reading this)
10) Other Americans, and their ridiculous experiences shared over cheap, legal alcohol. (Oh yeah, and OH MY GOD A DEAD BABY BIRD JUST HIT ME.......AHHHHHH I HAVE TO GO
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
In Which Absurdity Ensues

So the real reason that I did not want to talk about my trip last night was because when I returned from it an alarming portion of my things had been stolen out of my dorm room and I was too angry to make light of the situation. The situation has since been resolved and I can talk about it now:
I had locked up my computer and souveniers (the things that really matter) in someone's office but I left- locked in my closet in a locked room- some clothing, my dvds and cds as well as miscelaneous toiletries and all of those things that you never know how to pack and end up throwing in at the last second...they were mostly gone but the toiletries and my books had been moved across the hall (WTF??) I was very upset and went to bed angry at the world (and hungry as the refectory had closed and power was out around the city so no restaurants were serving food) In the morning I decided to talk to the cleaning ladies (my primary suspects as the lock was not broken). I found them in a room FULL of stuff from the dorms because it is apparently an unwritten rule that anything the students leave is left for the staff. Long story short I gave them a chance to right an honest mistake but the woman who cleans my room told me she moved my things but took the way, during this conversation I realized that she was actually wearing one of my necklaces (LOL). In the end I filed a report with security and four hours later was called back to the office wheere the same woman had a bag with all of my things and was apologizing for her honest mistake. Kudos UB security! I had absolutely no faith in the institution but apparently they get shit done. (PS I am planning to leave the necklace with a note saying "I am really gone now, Merry Christmas!")
As for the Delta: We drove for hours into the Okavango Delta in these giant safari trucks that I dubbed "tourist assualt vehicles" (TAVs from here on)

"In which Sarah almost dies...twice!" That picture of me in pink is actually twelve feet from two lions (OMG) but that was not even remotely dangerous.

"Mashed Potato cake" Our friend Aubri had her 21st while we were on safari (miles from any alcohol) so we tried to make her day special. We brought candles but were far away from anything resembling a cake so we had to improvise. I suggested a mud pie but the group decided on a bowl of mashed potatos in which we stuck lit birthday candles. I think Aubri was touched.
Okay, I will have to tell the rest of the stories later, I have a Pocahontas appointment right now. Tommorrow is my last day in Botswana (AHHHHH!) and then I head to London and almost definite culture shock. Until later!
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
The Final Countdown
I am back from safari, where I mingled breifly with other foreigners who were venturing into the unknown; there were a lot of khaki shorts and straw hats. We had a fantastic time in the Okavango Delta where we intruded on animals' daily lives and were terrorized by them in return (stories to come. We legitimately camped out in "the bush" for three nights (dug a hole for a toilet and everything) where our guides delighted in telling us how we could be eaten by a lion or a hippo if we ventured out of our tents after dark (I still cannot decide if they were serious, decided it was not worth testing)) Fabulous times were had by all, but I am currently exhausted so those stories will have to wait until tomorrow's blogging. Just for a sneak preview though: "In which Sarah almost dies, twice" "In which Sarah makes a documentary" "Mashed-potato birthday cake" and "In which the gang tries Piracy, again" 

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