Tuesday, December 1, 2009

The Final Countdown

I am back from safari, where I mingled breifly with other foreigners who were venturing into the unknown; there were a lot of khaki shorts and straw hats. We had a fantastic time in the Okavango Delta where we intruded on animals' daily lives and were terrorized by them in return (stories to come. We legitimately camped out in "the bush" for three nights (dug a hole for a toilet and everything) where our guides delighted in telling us how we could be eaten by a lion or a hippo if we ventured out of our tents after dark (I still cannot decide if they were serious, decided it was not worth testing)) Fabulous times were had by all, but I am currently exhausted so those stories will have to wait until tomorrow's blogging. Just for a sneak preview though: "In which Sarah almost dies, twice" "In which Sarah makes a documentary" "Mashed-potato birthday cake" and "In which the gang tries Piracy, again"

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