Friday, August 21, 2009

Sarah's continued tales of kleptomania

You may recall that I mentioned attempting to steal a socialist club poster a few days ago. Well the whole story is that I really creeped out a local girl while doing so. She saw me undoing the tape, looked at me for a second, then quickly started walking away. I had dropped the tape the second she saw me and continued on my way to class, coincidentally walking right next to her for some time. She kept darting glances at me so I finally turned to her and said "yes, I was trying to steal the poster" I then tried to really quickly explain why I was doing so, and she quickly said "it's okay with me if you take it, I don't care" and walked faster. I am quite sure she thinks I am crazy and was trying to escape my ranting.
In keeping with the grand colonial tradition of my european cousins, I also went on a kleptomania spree with other exchange students around campus. First, in the dead of night, three of us went to the lemon tree grove on campus (someone please inform alex that while lemons grow in Gaborone, they still do not grow in Denver). We proceeded to steal two of the most delicious lemons I have ever smelled or eaten (I actually straight ate it, it was that good) By "we stole" I mean my friend aubri climbed the tree while I ran around the base of it with my arms up, pretending I could have caught her if she had fallen. I also absconded with some silverware from the refectory since the last set of spoons that I bought had razor-sharp edges that cut open my mouth when I tried to eat oatmeal (what where the manufacturers on?). Unfortunately, the refectory has servers who come and clear your plates and when my friend hayley handed one man her plate, knife, and fork he said, "could I have my other knife too please?" Awkward.....
So yeah, there could be warrants out for us in gaborone, luckily the witnesses think all white people look alike. (and apparently read the bible at breakfast as one waiter told me after assuming that my evolution text book was about jesus).


  1. WOW! Sounds like a great time. I'm so glad you're enjoying yourself. I'm in Spokane visiting my brother right now at Whitworth and was hoping you were in town, but to my surprise and great amusement you are halfway across the world having yet another adventure!! That is wonderful. anyway I was thinking about you and wanted to let you know I love you a lot. Blessings and saftey for you darling. See you in December!!

  2. yeah our lemons arer thet good...and they smell good too...the trees are public property so u dnt have to sneak about in the dead of the night [people have been known to stand under that tree in broad daylight and throw all manner of things at the tree trying to coax a lemon out of it....the poor tree...

  3. that was meant to be "are that good"
