Saturday, August 22, 2009

Speaking of Kleptomania

*News update: before I say anything else, I am over my cold and I GOT A HOT SHOWER!!!!!!!! I have been floating on a metaphorical cloud produced by the tangible steam of my shower all day and everything is right with the world*
So I am pretty sure that I previously mentioned the feud with the cleaning ladies in which my friend is currently engaged. If not, quick recap: she wouldn't leave her room so they could wax the floor at 8am, we think that they turned off her electricity somehow, she had to relocate our fridge and left a scratch on the waxed floor. I have episode 2: we have strong reason to expect that the cleaning staff is stealing her food. Her peanut butter has been scraped clean and all of her cookies were eaten. I tend to agree they are responsible because her roommate is another exchange student who has shown no klepto tendencies and I am almost positive that these are the women who took my toilet paper as they are the only ones with a key. My friend is currently planning to hide a mouse trap in her next box of cookies. This is escalating a little fast. In other cleaning-lady escapades, every morning when my other friend is charging her computer and emailing family, the cleaning lady lets herself into this girl's room, unplugs the girl's charger and promptly plugs in her own phone to charge with little or no explanation. luckily, we are not too afraid of making them mad because, other than waxing the floor, they do not seem to be performing any perceivable function in the dorm. They are characters, but very willing to practice setswana with exchange students while on their tea break.
In other klepto news, last night a group of international students went out to an expat bar and returned at 5am sans 4 phones, a camera, and a US passport. Bummer in the extreme, but probably due to "poor (or inebriated) decisions." I, fortunately, declined taking part in the carousing and instead hung out in the hopkins' style (shooting the breeze with friends for 4 hours after stopping by for some tea). Tomorrow I am getting up at an (ironically) ungodly hour to go to a local anglican church...details to come.

1 comment:

  1. My mom advises you to keep an eye on your makeup, if people seem to be stealing. Apparently she left Cairo sans mascara and a few tubes of lipstick, back in the day.
