Sunday, August 30, 2009

They found me

No, I have not yet been arrested by the soviets for stealing the socialist club poster (altho that would be ironic. "I thought communism was about sharing, comrade") I have, however, been discovered by the expat community through the local anglican church (trust the anglicans). I was invited to coffee at the home of a south african couple, which was beautiful and shockingly normal. They were very nice and filled me in on the doings of the other expats at the church, including the director of the city hospital (who, coincidentally, is also a character in McCall Smith's no. 1 ladies detective agency and who also doubles as a priest at the church). I may just talk to him next sunday about volunteering since the normal channels do not appear to be working. He is also, apparently, a direct descendent of David Lingston's inlaws' (small country). When I returned from church and told my roommate where I had been, she was surprised that I attended church and apparently took it as a green light because we have been listening to christian rock ever since. While I am not really opposed to the genre, it is getting a little repetitive. Speaking of my roommate, I walked into the room yesterday and she had no clothes on. Apparently that is totally culturally acceptable here and I was warned, but having a casual chat with a roommate sans clothing is still odd for me (maybe it is just a Utah thing).

In other news, someone has been putting up new posters in the campaign against HIV on campus. While I support the cause, I feel that this campaign might be misguided and the publicist should be fired. I have included a shot of one of the posters below, Whoever decided that a giant bunny mascot should be the vanguard of abstinence should probably not be allowed to make any more decisions.
In still other news, we went to the national trade fair yesterday and got to explore genuine motswana-made crafts. There were also local businesses, governement agencies, and embassies represented (of course not ours, we are not hospitable. The japanese came out looking really great because they taught you origami and how to use chopsticks at their booth. Even Iran had an embassy booth; fail USA). One booth was selling, ....? Giant sombreros? wall hangings? I don't know, but perhaps it is big and inconvenient enough, katherine? Lol. I have to write a paper on conflict in the DRC (yes, that is the exact assignment. Something that people write books on is supposed to be a thesis-driven 8 pg paper, wtf) so see you on the flip side, homeslice!


  1. im so proud of you! i dont last more than the first chorus with christian rock. and id really like to see you arrive in paris wearing that sombrero/wall decor- on your head, please.

  2. Oh, Christian rock. After living with Sofie for a year you should be used to it by now, I'd think. ;]
