Saturday, August 8, 2009

UB in still-frame continued

The library, very nice. Lots of comfy couches.

The science block is a red brick series of courtyards and it is gorgeous.

This is what the ENTIRE CAMPUS looked like after friday night parties. The cleaning crew had it all picked up by 10am, however.

(By the way, the last picture is of a meal from the cafeteria. I'd say it's a "typical meal" except it is the exact same thing they serve for lunch every single day. Breakfast, lunch, and dinner do not appear to change day to day. Every meal includes large amounts of beef and a serving of "juice" that tastes like a melted popsicle. The suspicious gray goo in the middle is pap, and it is the best part of the meal. It is basically grits mixed with whatever and I love it)

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